How To Know If She Likes You?
Does she like you? Should you make a move? A lot of questions going on in your mind right?.. No one wants wants to feel rejected. The fear of rejection drives you away from the girl you really wish was in your life. Wouldn't it be great if you already knew what was going on in her heart before making a move? What if you already knew if she is really into you? So I am here to spot the light on the ways you could know whether to make a move , is there a special place in her heart for you or simply whether she likes you or not. According to studies and research, the most reliable ways to have a deep insight on whether she likes you are her body language and general behaviour towards you. Look for these signs when she is around to know what does she actually feel for you. 1. Eye Contact An eye contact is the most initial stage of attraction. When a girl is attracted to you, she will constantly try to look at you and you will definitely catch her eyes. Trust me guys, girls have a...